Well, it's good to be weaning myself back into everyday life. Getting out and about, on my own has really been a treat. As I make my tracks back to the usual establishments that I frequent, I keep running into people I know and haven't seen for some time. Their usual response is how are you doing? and it's good to see you. My usual response is, I'm doing good and it's good to be seen. I really mean both statements. I am doing good. My mouth and throat are continuing to heal and my strength is coming back little by little. The mucous problem is history now and if I were to put a percentage on it, my saliva is probably at about 50% right now, good enough to eat almost anything except hot spicy. The only problem I have right now is putting on weight if that is really a problem. I just need to get my muscle loss back and I know that will just take time. In case you're wondering, I eat like a pig. That is, I eat everything I can, as much as I can, whenever I can. I know it sounds weird, but I eat 6 meals a day and I'm still not gaining weight, but I am holding a pretty steady weight. The radiation is still in my system and probably some chemo too and we feel that when my system is clear of that junk things will start normalizing again. Oh yeah, one little thing, Mr. G-tube is now history, gone, no more. HOORAY!!!! The cool thing is, where the tube once was, now sports a little round scar. It looks like I was shot with a 22 cal. bullet. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
When someone says it's good to see you, you have no idea how good that makes me feel. I am truly blessed to be seen.
I had my appointment with the radiation doc on Mon. He was surprised that I could eat so well. Well, with all the prayer I have received for this, it really is no surprise, is it? He said the next step will be the pet-scan in about 2 weeks. That will show if there is any cancer still hanging out in my body, and of course, there isn't.
That's the area where the enemy likes to play games in my head, you know, the doubts of whether or not the treatment was effective and is God really listening to all this prayer people are sending up to Him. Then I'm reminded of the story in the book of Mark. "Teacher, I brought you my son, who is possessed by a spirit that has robbed him of speech. Whenever it seizes him, it throws him to the ground. He foams at the mouth, gnashes his teeth and becomes rigid. I asked your disciples to drive out the spirit, but they could not."
"O unbelieving generation," Jesus replied, "how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring the boy to me." So they brought him. When the spirit saw Jesus, it immediately threw the boy into a convulsion. He fell to the ground and rolled around, foaming at the mouth. Jesus asked the boy's father, "How long has he been like this?"
"From childhood," he answered. "It has often thrown him into fire or water to kill him. But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us."
" 'If you can'?" said Jesus. "Everything is possible for him who believes."
Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"
When Jesus saw that a crowd was running to the scene, he rebuked the evil spirit. "You deaf and mute spirit," he said, "I command you, come out of him and never enter him again."
The spirit shrieked, convulsed him violently and came out. The boy looked so much like a corpse that many said, "He's dead." But Jesus took him by the hand and lifted him to his feet, and he stood up. I find myself asking the Lord many times each day to help me overcome my unbelief, because I do believe.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support.
Old Jer
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

It's been 19 days since my last treatment and I am feeling really good. A week ago Monday, I woke up and I knew something was different. The thing that was different was I had this energy that I hadn't had for several months and I felt like doing a project at the house. I started on this cement slab I had been wanting to raise up 4 inches because through the years it had settled and had actually become hazardous. Now I had all this energy, but the strenght and endurance just wasn't all there, so I took a lot of breaks. Well, every day since then has just gotten better. Believe me, the strength and endurance still have a long way to go, but it's much better, and yes I was successful raising the concrete slab.
You know how I talked about things I missed during my treatment, like food and doing the things I like to do like cycling, surfing and disc golf and I decided that the thing that I missed the most was not seeing my friends and enjoying the relationships I have made from church. Well, this past week I realized one more thing that I missed and that is, I MISS MYSELF, and it pleases me to no end to announce that I'm back, not 100%, but I'm working on it.
What do I need prayer for? Well, as I already told you, I am generally feeling really good, however the mouth and throat are still an issue, but they are improving slightly, maybe better than slightly. I drank almost a quart of water by mouth yesterday, I had a scrambled egg with cheese and some potatoes for breakfast, then Kat and I split a breakfast burrito for lunch, I didn't do the tortilla, and then I had half of a chicken pocket from Costco. Actually I had what was inside the pocket, and I'm happy to report that it all tasted good. The taste buds are still functioning pretty well. Praise the Lord! However, my mouth and throat are still pretty sore and the mucous is still a problem, but they are getting better.
How could it get any better? Well, this morning I ate 2 fried eggs (over easy) and potatoes with cheese and a dash of Mrs. Renfros green salsa. It was soooo good. I had an appointment with the radiation doc this afternoon and basically he feels the tumor is gone, but he wants to do more thorough testing in 2 weeks when my mouth has healed more. He feels that he won't find anything. Kat and I left his office feeling really encouraged especially when he looked into my mouth and said it looked like nothing had happened in there and that there was quite a bit of saliva. Thank you prayer warriors. I know beyond a doubt that our God answers prayer. Listen to this, it just gets better. Kat, Josh and I then played a round of disc golf at a course in Irvine. Did I mention that my girlfriend got a hole in one? We were thoroughly impressed. Then, on the way home we stopped at In and Out and you got it, I ate a cheeseburger, protein style, that's with no bun, wrapped in lettuce, and it was delicious. I still have to wash each bite down with a little water, but, hey, at this point, who cares. Yes, it was a banner day. Now, pray that I can put on 5lbs by March 16th, because I made a deal with the doc that if I can do that , Mr G-tube will be history. Yes, I finished the whole plate, and it was good. Psalm 20:5 We will shout for joy when you are victorious and will lift up our banners in the name of our God. May the LORD grant all your requests.
Thank You, and imagine a great big hug from skinny ole me,
Old Jer
You know how I talked about things I missed during my treatment, like food and doing the things I like to do like cycling, surfing and disc golf and I decided that the thing that I missed the most was not seeing my friends and enjoying the relationships I have made from church. Well, this past week I realized one more thing that I missed and that is, I MISS MYSELF, and it pleases me to no end to announce that I'm back, not 100%, but I'm working on it.
What do I need prayer for? Well, as I already told you, I am generally feeling really good, however the mouth and throat are still an issue, but they are improving slightly, maybe better than slightly. I drank almost a quart of water by mouth yesterday, I had a scrambled egg with cheese and some potatoes for breakfast, then Kat and I split a breakfast burrito for lunch, I didn't do the tortilla, and then I had half of a chicken pocket from Costco. Actually I had what was inside the pocket, and I'm happy to report that it all tasted good. The taste buds are still functioning pretty well. Praise the Lord! However, my mouth and throat are still pretty sore and the mucous is still a problem, but they are getting better.
How could it get any better? Well, this morning I ate 2 fried eggs (over easy) and potatoes with cheese and a dash of Mrs. Renfros green salsa. It was soooo good. I had an appointment with the radiation doc this afternoon and basically he feels the tumor is gone, but he wants to do more thorough testing in 2 weeks when my mouth has healed more. He feels that he won't find anything. Kat and I left his office feeling really encouraged especially when he looked into my mouth and said it looked like nothing had happened in there and that there was quite a bit of saliva. Thank you prayer warriors. I know beyond a doubt that our God answers prayer. Listen to this, it just gets better. Kat, Josh and I then played a round of disc golf at a course in Irvine. Did I mention that my girlfriend got a hole in one? We were thoroughly impressed. Then, on the way home we stopped at In and Out and you got it, I ate a cheeseburger, protein style, that's with no bun, wrapped in lettuce, and it was delicious. I still have to wash each bite down with a little water, but, hey, at this point, who cares. Yes, it was a banner day. Now, pray that I can put on 5lbs by March 16th, because I made a deal with the doc that if I can do that , Mr G-tube will be history. Yes, I finished the whole plate, and it was good. Psalm 20:5 We will shout for joy when you are victorious and will lift up our banners in the name of our God. May the LORD grant all your requests.
Thank You, and imagine a great big hug from skinny ole me,
Old Jer
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