Saturday, January 24, 2009


I am so glad it's Saturday. This was a very interesting week. As you know, I started using the G-tube. At first I thought that I would be supplementing in between my regular meals. (You know, whatever we run through the blender.) Well, that plan was scrapped from the get go. The way the radiology doc put it was that my mouth looked like they usually look on about the last week of treatment. Not so good. But the good news is because chemo has been put on hold temporarily, I was able to finish out the week of radiation and today my mouth feels much better. I was actually able to drink an oatmeal smoothie. It was good too! So next week will be a day to day adventure. I have 15 more treatments. Pray that I can get through another week without a break in the radiation treatments. If I have to take a break it will only extend the end date. The doc feels that I will have to take a break. I really want him to be wrong. I hate it when he's right.
Today has been a really good day. Not just health wise, but it's been exciting watching Joshua preparing for his China trip. He heads out tonight for 15 days. He's really excited to see Brooke and we're excited for both of them. Just in case you don't know, Brooke and Joshua are well, an item. Brooke has been studying Mandarin and doing some tutoring with preschoolers. She has been there for five months now and has about six more months to go before she returns home. We miss her too. Hi Brooke, We love you.
Steve flew out to Colorado to visit and do some snowboarding with his friend Gary. He'll be returning Tues. evening. His shoulder has healed really well and he has lots of work to keep him busy when he returns. We are truly thankful. for both of our boys.
I am so thankful for all the wonderful comments on the blog and e-mails.
Believe me, when things get a little rough, I cry out to the Lord and his people come to my rescue. Some call, some write, some e-mail and some just show up and bless me. Thank you everyone for your support, love and prayers.

I cherish you all,

Old Jer


  1. I may need that recipe for the oatmeal smoothie, Kat! ;-)
    It doesn't sound half bad.

    Jer- We will be praying for that end date not to budge!
    Love you!

  2. Dear Jerry, I received news of your medical condition through Diane and Jim Penseyres. Praying for Our Lords touch of healing on you. God is faithful and He has been your Salvation and Friend and will forever keep you in the palm of His hand.
    Good to read that your sons are doing well and your lovely wife is by your side. Tell Kat I love her guts.:) Jan Keenan

  3. Mike says that laughter is the best medicine. He says that what got him through his radiation was cracking jokes about every aspect of it. He says that he found out that laughter is really the best medicine, and he celebrates 20 yrs remission this year.

    The boys have a request for Josh, they want a picture for our wall of countries. They love it when family travels out of the country.

    We love you guys are praying for a healthy recovery.

  4. I think I've known a few rednecks but now I can say I have the best "Redneck" friend! Just don't start acting like one!!
    Love you and KNOW God is healing you!
