Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Well, why do I always start with well,? Well, It Just works well I guess. Anyway it was a good weekend. I was able to maintain my weight pretty well. I got down some good smoothies and some supplemental drinks. I've been mainlining gatorade through the old G-tube, for hydration. Seems to work well.
You know, I got to thinking Sunday when Kat went to church, just how much I miss going to church. Now don't get me wrong, I love Pastor Roger and his messages, but that's not what I miss. Besides I hear his messages on the podcast. It' the people I miss. It's the hugs and prayers and hearing about changed lives that I miss. I missed the men's retreat this past weekend, but I'm hearing about great things that happened there.
Thank you Bob and Tanya for the great cards. It was so great to see you both.
Mon. was an OK day. After treatment I had a surprise. Mike V. was in the neighborhood and we had a great time talking about his trip to Hawaii and surfing 15 foot waves at Makaha. He also shared some of the great things that happened at the men's retreat. Then Kim came by to deliver some homemade soup. Kim is my dental hygienist from Kent Sanders office. Ever have potato/cauliflower, it's delicious.
Oh, by the way, Joshua is in China now. We're assuming he's having a great time. Although there hasn't been any communication yet. Tues. was a Hallelujah day. I was just praising the Lord for how good I felt. I did a few things around the house like resurfacing the driveway and such requests from my girlfriend. I even drove to San Diego airport to pick Steve up from his return trip to Colorado. Today was an off day. I didn't feel too good when I returned from treatment, so I took a nap. I feel better now. Like I said before, every day is different.
OK, what's circuitous got to do with anything. Well, It's a new word for me. It means round about, not direct. A good example of this is; when we travel the path seeking the Kingdom Of God, we can choose the high path, which is following Him and trusting Him in everything we do, or we can take the circuitous path which is the low path that curves and twists around while we follow our own understanding, becoming lost and weighed down. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
I'd like to leave you with this final thought. Before I started treatment, because of my advanced age and my prolonged exposure to the sun throughout the years, I likened my sun damaged skin to that of a wrinkly grape. Still kind of smooth is some places, but pretty wrinkly in most. Well now I can honestly say that there has been a radical change. I no longer look like a wrinkly grape, I have now evolved into a dried up old raisin. Praise God!! Only 12 treatments left.

Many hugs and much love,

Old Jer


  1. Circuitous is a good word and like most it has a good usage, like when traveling the back roads of our glorious country, but, give me a STRAIGHT path to our Lord!
    Thanks, Jer, for your wonderful updates. You bless us far more than we could ever bless you. You do NOT look like a raisin! You do look like a redneck!

  2. You're so funny Jer. TGIF!!!chris
